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The Script Mentor

The Script Mentor Services
Screenplay Review
w/ Notes!
We will read, review and provide extensive notes on your screenplay. These notes will include formatting, structure, the inciting incident, characters, title, word weight, etc.

The One Year Unlimited Mentoring Package
The Script Mentor will provide up to one-year of solid mentoring on ONE of your screenplays. We will provide a full analysis report - with recommendations, if any, and help create or improve your Logline, Synopsis and Query letter (L/S/Q). We will also assist you with a marketing and networking strategy upon satisfactory completion of the screenplay.

TSM Exclusive
Mentoring Service:
With this program, you've chosen to work with "The Script Mentor" himself- exclusively- via email exchanges, weekly telephone calls (if required) and a once-a month Zoom meeting.
He will help improve your concept, your overall screenplay, and assist you with a solid networking and marketing strategy - for any and all screenplays.
This program ALSO comes with a complete MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE should your script fail to make the quarterfinals (QF) of ANY one of 10 chosen screenplay competitions.
(some restrictions apply).

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